
We work closely with family law attorneys and mediators to help structure the division of retirement plan assets incident to divorce, and to ensure smooth implementation of the division once agreed by the parties or determined by the Court.

Each retirement plan type presents unique challenges – whether a defined contribution plan, defined benefit plan, private or governmental, tax qualified or non-qualified. Some of the things to consider include:

Accounting for pre-marital account accumulations

The effect of post marital service and compensation increases

Accounting for outstanding loans in a defined contribution plan

Avoiding surprises caused by delayed distribution provisions

Awarding pre-retirement death benefits

Awarding post retirement survivor benefits

Allocating the cost of providing survivor benefits

Call the QDRO Hotline at (520) 577-5155 at any stage of your case – the earlier the better- so that we can help you identify and resolve the unique retirement plan issues presented in each case efficiently and fairly.

And when you are ready to refer a case to us for preparation of the Orders, use the Referral Form below to send us the information we need to assist you. When you submit the form you will receive a confirmation email with all of the information you submitted, so your file will be complete and you will have an accurate record of what you sent us.

Fill out my online form.